A broad range of 政策 guide and govern the activities of the 成员 of the University 社区. Policies connect the University mission to the everyday actions of the University 社区 and clarify the University’s expectations for its individual 成员. University 政策 mitigate institutional risk, enhance efficiencies and support the University’s compliance with laws and regulations. 大学政策 are intended to support a safe, respectful and ethical learning, living and work environment in compliance with the University’s mission and values and applicable Federal, state 以及当地法律.
Governance 政策 include the University's governing documents (articles of incorporation and bylaws), as well as 政策 relating to the delegation of governing or operational authority by the Board of Trustees or the President.
Academic and student 政策 include three areas of University policy. 首先,政策 that relate directly to the educational programs of the University. 第二,政策 that relate to financial assistance that is provided to students so as to facilitate 参与教育项目. 第三,与学生有关的政策 affairs, that is, the various activities that make up the 社区 life of students 在大学.
Administration and operations 政策 relate to a wide range of activities of the University, ranging from civil rights matters, to data retention and security, to consumer information disclosures, intellectual property, and law enforcement.
的 financial 政策 of the University relate primarily to the operation of the Business Office, including methods of payment, refund 政策, and financial auditing.
的 human resources 政策 of the University include 政策 that typically apply to all employees, including employment benefits, as well as 政策 that apply exclusively to a certain, defined groups of employees, such as faculty.
Information technology 政策 relate to the use of the University's information 技术系统.
- 学科-本科生
- 学术诚实
- 学术诚实
- 学术诚信政策
- 学术位置
- 查阅记录ADA
- Drop/Withdrawal Policy for Other Parts of Term
- 添加/删除/退出政策
- 添加/删除/退出政策 - Add Policy for a 10 or 12 Week Term
- 添加/删除/退出政策 - Add Policy for Other Parts of Term
- 其他政策及资源
- 秋季入学申请
- 完整的新生入学档案
- 修改教育记录
- 美国残疾人法案政策
- 应用 for Admission - 的 Satish and Yasmin Gupta College 的业务
- 出勤政策
- 民权主播
- 班级出勤政策-本科生
- 学生分类
- 专业及辅修
- 消费者资料政策
- 协调员和官员
- Copyright Ownership and Infringement Policy
- 的 核心课程 - Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science 度
- 课程
- 课程教材的使用
- Course Transfer/Waiver Credit - 的 Satish and Yasmin Gupta College 的业务
- 当然撤军
- 系主任手册
- 教师 Development Funds Policy - Constantin and Braniff
- 教师手册
- 联邦法规
- 费用和开支-布拉尼夫研究生院
- Fees and Expenses 2020-2021 Graduate Business Programs
- 布拉尼夫将军研究生学费
- 普通学生本科费用
- General Student Fees - 的 Satish and Yasmin Gupta College 的业务
- 金融援助
- 金融政策 - Agreement to Pay - 的 Satish and Yasmin Gupta College 的业务
- 金融政策 for Constantin College and Braniff Graduate School of Liberal Arts
- 申请经济援助和资格
- 消防安全资讯
- 弹性工作政策
- 非正式解决程序
- 资讯科技保安政策
- 机构信息
- International Applicants - Additional Requirements: 的 Satish and Yasmin Gupta College 的业务
- 国际学生
- Professional Internships - 的 Satish and Yasmin Gupta College 的业务
- 调查正式投诉
- Readmission - 的 Satish and Yasmin Gupta College 的业务
- 退款政策
- 登记政策 & 程序
- 有关条款
- 重复和取消策略
- 记者名称
- 举报虐待或忽视
- 保留政策
- Other Requirements - Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science 度
- 罗马学期收费
- 安全及保安政策
- 制裁范围
- 令人满意的学业进展
- 令人满意的学业进展
- 院系奖学金计划
- 保安及罪案资料
- 捐款人及校友资料的安全
- 签署发布
- 招标政策
- 学生无障碍服务
- 学生手册
- 学生员工手册
- Student- 教师 Class Related Concerns Policy (Policy SFD)
- 学生查阅档案的权利
- 实质性的改变
- 支持措施
- 在大学校园尾随
- 技术支持
- 终身教授分阶段退休政策
- 第四章资金-提取和返还
- Transcript Policies - Undergraduate and Graduate
- 信用证转让
- 信用转让政策
- 转学
的 总法律顾问办公室 coordinates the editing, review, issuance and archiving of University policy. 这 Policy Website is intended to ensure th在大学 社区 has ready access to well-articulated and understandable University 政策. 新内容将被添加 并按批准更新. While 这个网页 is intended to include all significant University 政策, the formal adoption of policy is a new and developing process. 的re may be applicable University 政策 that are not listed or linked through 这个网页. Individuals should inquire with appropriate University offices and departments about specific 政策 that may apply to specific activities. 没有 of an applicable policy from 这个网页 does not excuse a member of the University 社区 from compliance with University policy. 个别院系 may have standards and guidelines, all of which must be consistent with University-wide 政策.